Monday is One Day

9780439789240Going to work, school, or the store can be hard–especially when you have to leave your children with another family member, teacher, or caregiver. Depending on where you are going, it could be hours before you are reunited. Young children can become very upset, nervous, or scared since they have little understanding of what “time” really is.

Monday is One Day by Arthur A Levine is a great picture book for young children that goes through the days of the week counting down until the week is over. The book features diverse families like grandparents raising a child, two men with a child, one father with a child, just a mom and a child, twins and their parents, etc.

The hardest part of going to work is being apart from you…

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While you aren’t always able to give your child 100% of your attention during the work week, the book highlights the little moments that can be made special just because you are together.

But by the end of the week, parent and child are able to unite for a fun day of relaxing and play.

And Sunday’s our fun day: A kiss and a cuddle, a dance in a puddle, a dinosaur huddle, a sweet family muddle!

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I hope you are able to enjoy at least one day a week with your child. Be sure to visit the library and check out this wonderful book. If you can’t make it on the weekend, make it one of those special moments together during the week.